Active 2024 - 2027
In partnership with Mastercard Foundation, Baraza Media Lab, HEVA, SNDBX-Ubuntu, and GoDown Arts Centre proudly present Sanara, a transformative initiative designed to enable young creatives across Kenya to access dignified and fulfilling work in the creative and cultural industries.
What is Sanara
The name Sanara is inspired by the Swahili words sanaa (arts) and biashara (business), representing our mission to connect the world of creativity with sustainable enterprise. Sanara addresses the challenges of young creative and cultural entrepreneurs by offering opportunities for financing, skilling, enterprise support, and the adoption of sustainable practices to advance fair and safer working environments.
Baraza Media Lab: Leading Skilling for Work
Baraza Media Lab is proud to lead the Skilling for Work component of the Sanara program, where we will coordinate a network of diverse partners to deliver high-quality skilling, reskilling, and upskilling programs. Our focus is on ensuring young women and men have access to the tools, learning hubs, and mentorship required to build fulfilling careers in the creative industries. From empowering young people through hands-on specialized skilling to developing and nurturing artistic talent, Baraza Media Lab, will continue to be at the forefront of empowering Kenya’s next generation of creatives.
Meet the Skilling Partners
Sanara brings together a consortium of partners, each contributing their expertise in different creative value chains, under the Skilling for Work & Infrastructure arm led by Baraza Media Lab

Frederick Bettiner Foundation
Shop Zetu

Ushanga Kenya Initiative
Buni Media

Africa Digital Media Institute (ADMI):

Filamujuani Foundation:


Sol Generation
Art of Music Foundation

Santuri East Africa
Punchline Comedy Club Nairobi



JGIP Consultants