Welcome to Baraza

Africa’s platform for media and creatives to experiment, co-create, share resources and learn.

The Baraza

 Join a vibrant group of creatives and media gurus as you also get a chance to use the co-working space as your office. Network with different like-minded creatives through spectacularly curated events and informal sessions, as well as receive first-hand opportunities within the ecosystem.

Previous Event

Africa Media Festival 2024 Report

This year’s festival was a heavily collaborative effort driven by a desire to draw from the wisdom of our community as we address pressing issues in the ecosystem together. We are pleased to present the report that captures the key takeaways, learnings and reflections that emerged from the festival.

What Baraza Does...

Strengthening Kenya's Media Ecosystem

We’re on a mission to reshape Kenya’s Media and Creative industry, pushing boundaries and driving innovation. Join us as we redefine the future in the next 5 years. 

From the Blog

Love and Solidarity

Love and Solidarity

July 22, 2024 Christine Mungai, Curator's Desk

It has and continues to be physically, mentally and spiritually draining to demand for better governance and accountability. We must remember our bodies are fragile and need care, and that none of us can do this alone.I’d love to share some ways of ensuring this moment doesn’t break us beyond repair. I had these graphics commissioned as a way to capture what it takes to live – and not just fight – in a time of revolution.

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